August 18, 2007

Digital marketing is a smart way of business:

Marketing arena always incurred the different technological evolution when it’s originated. Latest out come is Digital marketing technology also known as mobile marketing technology. From this sponsored post we know about is Cellit Mobile Marketing is one of marketing technique using mobile communications to carry out marketing campaigns also known as M-marketing which gives the use of text messaging via a mobile telephone as a means of marketing communication. This technique widely used for the growth of Small business and directs consumer goods selling business. House4Cell provides instant information for small to average volume leads which provides following services

Provide Instant Information to Buyers in text messages, along with faxes and emails for more information, send photos of the listings direct to the phones, capture leads for follow-up, differentiate yourself through technology and many more services. These are helps to generate better leads to small business owners and reached the audience successful manner, to produce better ROI.

Mobile Marketing via SMS has expanded rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new channel to reach the consumer. SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe for being a new form of Spam as some advertisers purchased lists and sent unsolicited content to consumer's phones; however, as guidelines are put in place by the mobile operators, SMS has become the most popular branch of the Mobile Marketing industry with several 100 million advertising SMS sent out every month in Europe alone.

Another service known CouponZap is a mobile coupon and promotion service that gives you the power to promote your product or service to interested customers at any time, anywhere. From this advertisement post we know the newest marketing campaigns in marketplace! Let’s enjoying the future with great technology evolution!

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