December 25, 2007

Potential challenges of cell phones to human health:

This article describes the cell usage threats to human health. Possible dangers of cell phones are a highly debated subject. Some are indisputable and others have strong advocates and meet with opposition simultaneously. As more studies are conducted the discussion will continue to draw controversy and concern.

Cancer warnings: The possibility or probability of cancer causing effects from cell phone use and exposure to cellular towers is a controversial topic. With over 200 million wireless phones in use and all the 195,000 plus cell towers that receive and transmit the signals to these devices are we safe? Are there dangers associated with living in near proximity? This is often a hot topic in the news when studies of negative findings are reported. Distractibility is certainly a contributing factor in motor vehicle accidents. Answering, calling or texting from a cell phone while driving will detract from the attention given to the task at hand. Twenty million drivers having the chance to interact with a wireless device while driving is not something easily ignored. Another point of view often raised is whether it is any more distracting than casual conversation in the vehicle, adjusting the radio, changing a CD, drinking a cup of coffee, or handing an item to a child in the back seat? Several states have laws prohibiting cell phone use while driving. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety lists states and localities with bans in effect.

News reports had linked the sharp decline in the honeybee population with mobile phone RF signals. Those claims have now been squashed. A three-year scientific study conducted at U.S. universities has uncovered a virus that is thought to have come from imported bees and royal jelly and then spread through apiaries, causing the death of the bees. The research also suggested factors such as the practice of transporting bees in closed trucks may put the bees under stress and make them more likely to contract the virus. The next step in the research is to infect a sample of bees with the virus to see if it is definitely to blame.

-Federal Communications Commission.
-Food and Drug Administration.
-National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
-World Health.

You can get more info by visiting above organization websites.

December 24, 2007

Auto mobile markets:

In day today life style, finance is the mandatory subject for all time. All are try to earn money because of their prestigious life. Yup! Definitely money is the important factor which decides the life style of every man and women, its true!

The main objective of the using the are getting money easily which used for our emergency needs. We can take the money from credit cards which is basically treat as a loan. For example a personal loan to purchase an automobile is called auto loan Loan is nothing but a sum of borrowed money that is generally repaid with interest. The interest value depends upon the time period of loan and the amount withdrawn. Usually all loan which is repaid by a series of small, periodic payments until a given date, when either the balance comes due in a single, large payment or the amount of the payments rises significantly. There are different types are loans available in the financial arena, lets shown some common loan types are Auto Loans, (Car loan)Home Equity Loans, Mortgage Loans, Tax Loans, Student Loans, Personal Loans, Payday Loans and etc… While applying the loans we should consider the risk factors, terms and conditions of the service provider. I have experienced in personnel loan which really helps me for buying PC.

December 17, 2007

Smart phone chatting methods:

Nowadays there are number of free chat methods are available. Using this methods people can enjoy their lives son net and the easy way of meeting the people in across the globe and even it’s a better place to create a good platform for a nice love relationship.

Whether you're looking for phone chat, friendship, dating, a discrete encounter, or just want to try something new and different. The new way of chat introduced to the market called chat lines considered as the simplest procedure to meet people from various distances. This can be done through several methods example global chatting over the net and phone chat is now giving you the way to communicate with your chat mates easier online.

Angel Investors

December 9, 2007

Reverse cell phone number lookup methods:

The world turning in to digital technology, you can feel effect of digital technology at every part of life like medical, technology, space, science and etc… This article gives a information about cell phone number lookup in reverse method. You might know already how difficult it is to determine who that phone number belongs to using free reverse search directories on the net. The reason for this is because cellular phone numbers aren't publicly listed in common telephone directories either online or off line. This could change in the future but presently the U.S. federal government presently prevents cellular phone companies from been able to issue cellular phone numbers of their customers. Below you'll discover four tips that you are able to utilize to be more successful in your reverse cellular phone search attempts:
1. Calling up the telephone number. Yes this is the easy, simple answer but a lot of folks do not want to call a number back if they do not know who it is. Whenever you make up one's mind to give the telephone number a call back and do not prefer to do it from your mobile or land line you could use a public telephone booth. Call the number and whenever somebody picks up enquire who's talking. This is the easiest answer to determining an strange telephone caller. 2. Jump online and go to and try typing the cellular phone number into the search field. you may get lucky. Just about everyone is online these days and have their own blogs, bulletin boards, Face Book accounts or MySpace profiles they post to. You'd be astonished how many cellular phone numbers get added to the Google index because people post it to their web log or somewhere else online they frequent.
3. You could call a private investigator and determine how much it will cost you to have them run a reverse cellular phone number lookup for you. They'll probably quote you anywhere between $70 - $200 per telephone number looked for. That is pretty high fee but most reputable private detectives will only charge you if they are successful in their hunt, you may prefer to have that in writing up front if you use a private investigator to do your reverse lookup.
4. For a low join fee you are able to get access to premium reverse cell phone lookup services. These sites plege that you will receive instant, accurate results or you will get a refund. Many of them have millions of cell phone records covering the entire United States and you can run as many number searches as you wish. Plus many of them offer features such as been able to run advanced background checks on people so you are able to ascertain who their relatives are, their neighbors, even their previous addresses
So there you go. If you utilize one or a few of the tips found above I am certain you'll be successful in determining who that mysterious telephone number belongs to. Maybe begin with calling the telephone number back, and then lookup Google and then decide if you prefer to pay a private detective hundreds of dollars or use a premium lookup service for a low fee and get your answer in seconds.